Working in a Doctor’s office, I am familiar with the "waiting room"....
The purpose of a waiting room is to distract you from realizing that they are actually "behind or late" and they sometimes play a TV to grab your attention or there are the gossip magazines that can draw you in...Or the pamphlets that are from the 70's, or the person next to you that wants to chat...Yes there are many distractions in the waiting room...what you won't find in most waiting rooms is A CLOCK!!!
No record of how long you have been in that room, no record of the time you have wasted, no record of it at all.
The waiting room I currently reside in is one that I have been in for years...the waiting room of "infertility".In THIS room there are not many distractions...only reminders. Reminders that everyone has been called in to see the Dr., but not me, reminders of a life I so desire, but have to "wait: for. In this room there is a constant reminder of the "time"...month to month I am reminded of my un-meet desires.
My room holds no promise that I will ever actually venture inside.
The waiting room is my life...
There are others that are in this room with me, other hearts that ache to hold their own baby, other women that have experienced the blessing of a growing belly, then without warning...been sent back to the waiting room, there are many that sit beside me , many that have cried with me, and many more that have silently suffered.
As I look around the room, I pray. I pray for the broken hearts to be healed, for the tears to be wiped away, I pray for MY heart to begin to heal, for the pain that comes when we see another pregnant woman, for the frustration of the "unexplained" diagnosis, I pray for the horrible mood swings caused by hormone injections, I pray for all our husbands, I pray for the families of the infertile...For the families to understand that this is not our choice...this is not our fault...this is not the time to start buying baby clothes...
This is a time to join us in prayer! Join us in our sadness, join us in our brokenness, let us know that it is OK to feel this way, let us know that we are not disappointing you...Most of all, let us know that you love us just the way we are.
Infertility affects the WHOLE family. There is no cure, no easy answers...We just want our families to sit with us in the "waiting room."
Sit with us, just be with us and maybe just maybe the waiting won't be so bad...
If you know someone that is struggling in this waiting room, will you join me in prayer for them? Will you let them know you are there for them, even if you don't understand, just be there to offer a hug!
Don't leave them alone in that room...just sit with them...just sit:)
Galatians 6:2
2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
1 comment:
Love you friend - exactly as you are! I am here for you.
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