I love taking photographs!!!! It is one of my secret passions, I'm just learning so I'm not very good, but I don't do it to be the best, I do it to create something beautiful that my eyes may have missed otherwise
Photos capture moments, moments make up our lives..My dream is to capture peoples lives, their struggles, their victories, and the things that cause me to pause and take notice of my surroundings and all the beauty that exists every day around me.
Photographs don't lie, they show you what is...The honesty they portray draws me to continue to pursue life through the pictures I take.
It's amazing how gorgeous a simple flower can be, or the innocent look on my nephews face as he plays in the yard, the hurt, confusion, elated joy, fear...the emotions that a lens can capture are beyond what our eyes can comprehend, that is why I love photography....
The honesty is refreshing
1 comment:
I love photography as well. It is fun to try and take creative pictures. I really enjoy animal pictures, that is what really fasinates me the most. I would like to take more animal pictures. In fact once I get a good colletion together, I think I am going to hang them all over my office. I like pictures of animals because you can make up your on stories about them. What there feeling, thinking, what they see.
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