First we pick up Natalie!
Then Renee & Rebekah
Followed by Vincent...
Then Janelle
and Justin...
and Sara
On to get picture...
Then, on to Dennys for breakfast!!!
The BEST part, for me, was seeing where all the kids live and getting a peek into their world. I have to admit it was pretty cool seeing them all "messed up and tired" looking to, but in all fairness I specifically didn't wear makeup...just to fit in with them! (I won't mention the fact that I didn't wash off my makeup from the night before, so in truth I had a little on my eyes)
So, here is my breakdown of the morning:
Janelle: not a morning person, does not like surprises...
Renee: orders her food by pointing at it on the menu:)
Rebekah: Doesn't like scary movies
Natalie: her house smells like Thanksgiving and Christmas...sooo yummy
Sara: is very cultured in her food palate
Justin: is into computers
Isaac: likes to always look his best
Vincent: likes to listen to Kutless and Reliant K
Junior Highers: Love em, love their energy, love their eagerness to let you know them!
Myself: At least 3 cups of coffee before I "lighten" up in the am...
Trav: The most consistent man you will EVER meet
Jason: likes Tai food, has a HUGE heart for the youth
Krista: isn't a morning person either, gives her all at everything she does:)
Jessica: luvs her brother and has such a sweet relationship with him...reminds me of my brother and I
What an amazing way to start our day!!!