If I truly had 30 days left (to live) I would become an
excellent communicator! I would feel such a strong need/desire to express my love, forgiveness and gratitude to the key people in my life. The book suggests that before you can communicate with your mouth, your heart must lead the way, before you open your mouth to speak, you must first open your heart.
Jesus is the best example of speaking with ones heart, in that He communicated with us by leaving His home in heaven, coming to this earth, and putting on human flesh so He could reveal His heart to us. He opened up His heart and made Himself totally vulnerable. He risked rejection and was, in fact, misunderstood by many.
He did this for one reason-
so we could see what God is like. Until I open up my heart to those I love, I will never experience a communication breakthrough. Before the words flow, my heart must be exposed. We have to risk vulnerability to the point of possible rejection.
One way I can do this is to share my time. My time can sometimes be my most precious commodity. My time is valuable, and I don't like to waste it. It costs time to communicate effectively. Am I willing to pay that price??
The books lays out some "cost" to opening up your heart.
1. Share our time
2. Share our troubles, admit my needs
3. Share your true thoughts (in love)
So, many of you know the huge risk doing any of this involves for me. My biggest fear is rejection...But as I stated before I need to take risks to get any reward, no risk=no reward...Big risk=Big Reward... I'm preparing my heart to sit down and share with someone specific. It's a conversation that has been accumulating in my head for years now, and its a little unfair to the person, that they have no idea of my true feelings or my love for them...also the walls I have built around my heart have protected me but at the same time hidden me from all, whether good or bad...
I am ready to start tearing down that wall, and opening up my heart. I do know that not all risks end with a big reward, but I'm praying that this risk will be so worth it in the long run..
Is there a relational risk any of you need to take??? I would love to pray for you, please let me know, and please pray for me too!